Saturday, January 27, 2018

Tips For Maintaining a Healthy Pregnancy Which Every Woman Should Know

It is no doubt that a woman's health needs extra care and attention when she is pregnant. This is because her health is very vital for the good health of the bay inside her womb. During pregnancy, if a woman eat well, sleep well, and have adequate exercise as per her body's requirement, she is less likely to face any complications throughout the period till delivery. Below are some few tips that ensures you have a healthy pregnancy throughput the various pregnancy stages.

Tips For Maintaining a Healthy Pregnancy Which Every Woman Should Know

Tips For Maintaining a Healthy Pregnancy

1. Nutrition during pregnancy

The food we eat plays a major role to ensure healthy living. When you are pregnant, it is required that you consume foods with high nutritional content and the ones desired by your body. When you eat healthy, it helps the foetus in your womb to develop properly, maintains a healthy a weight, and reduces most forms of health risks.

Eating a balanced diet also improves your health as a pregnant mother too. It prevents you from lacking ay nutrient, weakness, or post-delivery problems. Morning sickness and nausea are the most hated symptoms for pregnant women. When you eat a balanced diet, it can reduce the occurrence of unwanted effects like mood swings and nausea, and also make you to have a speedy post-delivery recovery.

Must read: Tips to cope with the first trimester of pregnancy

2. Weight gain in pregnancy

it is normal and natural for you to gain weight during pregnancy. The best way to control your weight, as not to gain too much of it, is by eating balanced calories every day. Only eat the recommended calories as prescribed by your doctor. Consuming much calories can only lead to unnecessary weight gain.

Must read: How to checkmate your calorie intake even when you love to eat

You should not pregnancy as an excuse for you to eat anything you want. Pregnancy involves many stages of development, so it is better you make it balanced. If you have a normal weight before pregnancy, the average weight gain during pregnancy should be between 25 to 30 pounds. Have a regular discussion with your doctor so as to monitor your weight regularly

3. what to eat during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you should desist from all sorts of foods that is capable of causing an infection or illness. Any type of protozoan or bacterial infection during pregnancy can be highly detrimental. Such infections can be acquired from unpasteurized milk, processed foods and cheese.

When you are pregnant, do not eat ready-made salads or milk-based products. Also don't eat meat from the deli counter or hotdogs, as they may be undercooked. Also desist from any type of raw meat. Also in order to maintain a healthy pregnancy, avoid any type of food that can trigger an allergic reaction.

4. Exercising during pregnancy

Many people though that a pregnant woman do not need any type of work out, whereas there are many health benefits of exercise while pregnant. Exercising during pregnancy is important for woman as it makes them healthy. A low to moderate exercise is considered safe for you as a pregnant woman, but it is better to engage in it after consulting your doctor.

5. Abstaining from unhealthy habits when pregnant

When we are talking about making a healthy lifestyle choices, it does not only limit an average person. It also very much important for pregnant women. Choosing a healthy lifestyle have a positive impact to the foetus in your womb.

You should avoid bad habits like smoking, drugs, alcohol, and lots more. It is very important that you quit these habits during pregnancy, as they are linked with number of complications and future risks for both you as a mother and your child.

6. Illness during pregnancy

Pregnant are more susceptible to infections more than other women. Even as simoe cold and flu are, they can be damaging during pregnancy. As a pregnant woman, you can get sick more often than normal people. Even minor illness can make a pregnant woman to feel very unwell.

Some of the infections that normally affects pregnant woman are as follows:
  • Common cold
  • Flu
  • A runny nose
  • Constipation
  • Upset stomach


It is very necessary to talk with your doctor as the start of your pregnancy. With all the healthy pregnancy tips, it is still important you note some of the infections that can most likely hit you.

While you are pregnant, you body becomes very sensitive. It is even unsafe to use some common medicines and supplements during pregnancy, to avoid any possible risk. The best prevention strategy to avoid sickness is to maintain personal hygiene. You can also keep a record of your medical history, and take note of the do's and don'ts of pregnancy whenever you visit your doctor.

6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulphate)

For some years now, Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulphate) has been useful in various health and beauty therapy. From the chemical name, you will realise that it is a magnesium-based salt rather than the traditional sodium-based one.

Many studies has proven that many people lack the mineral, magnesium, due to low levels of magnesium in most of the foods we eat. Using Epsom salt is one of the best way to increase the level of magnesium in our body. Apart from increasing the level of magnesium in your body, Epsom salt has numerous health benefits, as it can cure skin problems, soothe pain and muscle strain, detoxifies the body, and also treat cough and cold.  Some of the amazing health benefits of Epsom salt are listed below.

6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulphate)

6 Health Benefits Of Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulphate)

1. Increases magnesium levels

Having adequate amount of magnesium in your body is highly important. You can suffer from low magnesium levels when you consume much alcohol or you have high calcium levels. One simple way of increasing the magnesium level in your body is by soaking your feet or entire body in a bath with Epsom salt. The benefits of this is that it boosts the proper functioning of your body and lowers your risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, digestive disorder, and even mental illness.

Also read: Tips on how to improve digestion during winter

2. It reduces stress

Soaking yourself in a bath containing Epsom salt can also help you reduce body and mental stress. It also help in fighting against neuro-psychiatric disorders. A research conducted by the University of North Carolina shows that being magnesium deficient can increase your stress level, and an intake of magnesium has a profound effect on stress and neutral excitability.

Also read: Effects of stress on your body and 3 ways to deal with it

3. It eliminates toxins

The sulphates in Epsom salt are very helpful in getting rid of your body toxins. They are also good in the detoxification of heavy metals, thereby lowering the accumulation of harmful substances inside your body. You can achieve all these by making a detox bath. A detox bath can be made by adding at least two cups of Epsom salt to bath water and soak for 40 minutes at most.

4. It relieves constipation

Epsom salt is also very useful in relieving constipation. The salt acts like a laxative by increasing water in your intestines and cleansing your colon of waste. This solution is actually temporary and does not have long time benefits. You should also take note that it is important to drink plenty of liquids while consuming Epsom salt, as it helps to prevent dehydration.

Also read: Health benefits of drinking water: reducing the risk of diseases and staying properly hydrated

5. It reduces pain and inflammation

A warm bath made of Epsom salt is known to reduce pain and inflammation. This is why the salt is so important in treating bronchial asthma, sore muscles and migraine. It also helps in reducing the stress and swelling of muscles that is accompanied with sprains and bruises.

7. It improves blood sugar levels

Having adequate level of magnesium in the body is linked with a reduced risk of developing diabetes. Magnesium and Sulphate, are both components of Epsom salt, and they help to improve your body's ability to produce and utilise insulin. This can lower your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, and as well checkmate diabetes from getting out of control.

All these are some of the benefits you will start enjoying when you start making use of Epsom salt from today onwards. Please use the share icons below to share this message on Facebook and other social media platform of your choice.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

7 Amazing Benefits Of Urine Therapy For Different Health Complications

Before you stumbled upon this page, you might initially have the thought that urine is totally useless since it is a waste product from the body, or you definitely want to know some of the benefits of urine. In any of the situation you find yourself, I will be glad to let you know that urine therapy is used to cure different forms of heath complications even till date.

7 Amazing Benefits Of Urine Therapy For Different Health Complications

Urine, as useless it may appear, does have endless benefits to your health. When next you see someone collecting his or her urine, don't tag his or her actions as an act of witchcraft unless you have a justification for your claim. The person might already have the knowledge of urine therapy and its health benefits. Below are 7 amazing health benefits of urine you need to know.

Also read: How to prevent an injection abscess

7 Health Benefits Of Urine Therapy

1. Prevention of bacterial infection

There is no age limit when it comes to bacterial infection, as it can affect humans of all ages and gender. Urine therapy can also be employed to protect your body from urinal bacterial infection. This is because urine is made up of antibodies that protect your body from different forms of bacterial infection. Urine therapy for bacterial infection can be administered in two ways, either by drinking the urine or rubbing it on the affected spots.

2. Cures fungal infection on skin

Fungal infection is another common microorganism infection people suffer from in our today's world. Urine therapy is very effective in fighting against fungal infection. Urine has the ability to inhibit the expansion of fungi on different parts of your body. Simply rub urine of the spots infected by fungi and watch them disappear in no distance time.

Must read: Top 5 most dreaded diabetes skin problems

3. Prevent allergic reactions

Most people suffer from one allergic reactions to the other, and it can make life unbearable. Drinking urine is believed to be a way one can prevent different forms of allergic reactions that affect him or her on a daily basis. The simple principle behind this is that urine has antibodies that prevent the body from reacting to allergens. Studies have proven that people who drink urine are less likely to be affected by allergic reactions.

4. Cures autoimmune disease

Autoimmune is a health issue that occurs when the immune cells consumes different healthy tissues. This health complication makes the immune system to become weak with time. When you drink a glass of urine regularly, it protects you from most forms of infections thereby resisting the occurrence of autoimmune disease.

5. Urine therapy prevents hair loss

Hair loss is another trending issue of today, as it affects women and men of different ages. This is the main reason why you will find expensive hair loss remedies and treatments across the world. But you can simply prevent hair loss by rubbing urine on the affected area, as it will hinder it from occurring again.

Urine is not totally useless as you may assume, because you have already seen some health benefits of urine therapy. Do not enjoy this message alone, simply use the share buttons below to pass the message across to your friends on various social media. There are many people already sharing their urine therapy testimonials.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Health Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes For Your Skin and Entire Body

Apart from the edible and sweet nature of sweet potatoes, they are also a good source of various minerals, fibres, and vitamins that are quite beneficial to your entire health. This sweet tasting root has a coloured pulp inside and a thick skin outside. Sweet potatoes can also be eaten either in raw or cooked form. One of its key nutritional fact is that it is high in antioxidant known as beta carotene, which is converted to vitamin A when eaten. See some amazing health benefits of sweet potatoes for your skin and also your overall health.

Health Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes For Your Skin and Entire Body

Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes For Skin

1. It helps to improve skin texture

Sweet potatoes can do some amazing wonders to your skin, when applied topically. How can you achieve this?

Simply boil some sweet potatoes for some minutes. Once it has boiled, preserve the boiled water and turn it inside a bottle or cocked container. Store the bottle in a refrigerator, and allow it to cool. After that, you can then use this water as a toner for your skin. The water gotten from the boiled sweet potato is an organic toner that can help you get rid of impurities, and also deep cleanse your skin pores to a great extent.

2. It reduces oily skin

Another benefits of sweet potatoes for skin is that it can reduce the oily nature of your skin. How can you achieve this?

Boil some sweet potatoes and mash it thoroughly. After you are done with the mashing, add a table spoon of organic honey to it. You can apply this mixture to your face and wash them off after some few minutes. Following this process for some time will reduce the oily nature of your skin.

3. Lightens dark circles and eye puffiness

Sweet potatoes are rich in anthocyanin, this helps in healing dark circles and eye puffiness. You can enjoy this benefits but cutting the sweet potato into two slices, then place each of them on your eyes for a while and allow it perform its job.

4. It acts as skin moisturizer

Sweet potatoes can also benefit your skin by serving as a moisturizer. How can you benefit from this?

Take half cup of boiled sweet potatoes. Add a table spoon of yoghurt and a table spoon of oats, then you blend them together to form a solid paste. Apply this paste on your skin, then you scrub it slowly. After some minutes, wash your face with warm water, then you can feel your skin moisturized.

Also read: 5 simple ways of taking good care of your skin

Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes For Health

1. It provides vitamin D to the body

If you are deficient of vitamin D, then be sure to know that the effect is quite problematic. You can avoid yourself such problems by consuming lots of sweet potatoes since is it packed with nutrients and a very good source of vitamin D. Eating just a piece of sweet potato daily can make your bones stronger and can also promote your overall health.

Also read: 5 tips on how to prevent knee pain in old age

2. It strengthens your immune system

Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin C which does not only maintain the health of your skin, but also strengthens and boost your entire immune system.

3. It is rich in iron

Sweet potatoes are highly rich in iron. As a result of this, they help to fight against anaemia and increases the amount of white blood cells in the body. It is also known to reduce stress and anxiety.

4. Increases metabolism

Sweet potatoes are packed with vital nutrients, and one of its key nutrients, manganese, increases your metabolism and balances the blood sugar level in your body.

Must read: 10 important signs of blood sugar problem

In conclusion, sweet potatoes are highly edible, inexpensive, healthy an very easy to use. So while you are shopping for your next grocery, do not forget to get some of these nutritional and healthy root.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Vera - A Happy Ending

When Vera first came to us she was tentative, trying to adapt to the unfamiliar people in the house and she never seemed to be fully at ease. Every little motion or sound would cause her to stir, and she would regard other family members with caution. However, after spending a few months with us, she gradually opened up and accepted our place as her home.

Now, Vera will come bounding up to the gate whenever she hears anybody come home, and affectionately seek attention every morning when we come downstairs after waking up. She rarely barks, and even my parents have remarked that she is unusually well behaved. She will never enter the kitchen or take food without us telling her that it is okay to do so, and she loves her favourite spot underneath the large dining table. Simply by being her perfect self, she has found a place in the hearts of the rest of the family.

The thought of Vera having to adapt to a new home once more, after so many times of moving from house to house, eventually convinced us to adopt her. Seeing her totally at ease here, how she wags her tail madly whenever we call her name, makes everything that we have done worth it. Make no mistake, taking care of a dog is a huge commitment and responsibility, but letting Vera into our lives was one of the best decisions we�ve made as a family in 2017.

Written by : DC

6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Raw Milk (For Skin, Blood Pressure and More)

One of the most nutritious and popular milk in the whole world is definitely Cow's milk. Thanks to its versatility, you can use it to make butter, yogurt, cheese, snoothies, ice creams and shakes. You can as well enjoy it as a refreshing drink, which boasts of innumerable health benefits.

Must read: 6 reasons why you have to switch to Goat milk

Generally, most people consume pasteurized milk which also heave its own health benefits. But are you aware that raw and unpasteurized milk also has some benefits to offer you? In case you are not, let me unveil some of this health benefits of raw milk to you. But before I do, let me get you acquainted with what raw milk is all about.

6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Raw Milk (For Skin, Blood Pressure and More)

What is raw milk?

Raw milk is a superfood that is produced from cows. It is termed "raw" because it has not undergone the process of pasteurization (a process that heats milk to high temperatures in order to kill pathogens that may be found inside due to contamination. Raw milk is loaded with nutrients and enzymes that helps boost your immunity, and helps alleviate allergies. It is also lighter when compared to pasteurized milk, which makes it very easy to digest. Let me now show you some of its health benefits.

1. it helps to control blood pressure

Raw milk contains high amount of proteins that are made of casein, which helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure and increase the absorption of minerals.

Must read: How to reduce high blood pressure naturally at home

2. Excellent for your gut bacteria

Raw milk also contains healthy bacteria which makes it a great probiotic drink which immense benefits for your digestive system. It contains various enzymes that may help improve the digestion of nutrients from other foods.

3. Rich in natural vitamins

Fat present in raw milk contains soluble vitamins like vitamin A, K, and E. Raw milk is also rich in water soluble vitamins like vitamin C and B complex, which is generally destroyed during pasteurization as a result of exposure to excess heat. Commercially speaking, pasteurized milk s mostly fortified with vitamins.

4. Helps in maintaining healthy bones and teeth

Milk is well-known as one of the best sources of calcium. Raw milk contains a good amount of calcium compared to pasteurized milk. Calcium on the other hand helps in building stringer and healthier bones and teeth. Another good news is that calcium from raw milk is easily absorbed by the body.

5. Raw milk benefits for skin

Raw milk has lots of benefits for your skin, for example it is an excellent skin toner and moisturizer. You can simply apply raw milk topically during winter to make your skin soft and supple. Regular use of it on your face and skin can make you have a glowing skin.

Also read: Top 5 natural home remedies for glowing skin

All these benefits of raw milk can encourage you to use it more often. But it is wise for you to always consult your doctor before switching to raw milk in case if it will have any side effects on your health. Also note that raw milk can also contain certain bacteria that may eventually cause some health issues, so ensure you get your raw milk from a reputable place.

Carrot Seed Essential Oil Benefits For Cramps, Skin And Your Entire Body

Carrot sees essential oil is very popular to many who have been following the trends of essential oils. It is well-known for the lots of health benefits it offers to people who makes use of it. One good thing is that carrot seed essential oil is safe both for consumption as well as topical use. Let me introduce you to some of its health benefits.

Carrot Seed Essential Oil Benefits For Cramps, Skin And Your Entire Body

5 Health Benefits Of Carrot Seed Essential Oil

1. It detoxifies the body

Carrot seed essential oil is a natural ingredient that has the ability to detoxify your blood, tissues, muscles, and your internal organs. As a result of this potency of carrot seed oil, it helps you neutralize excess bile secreted by your liver and also cure some infections. Even though it is edible and used in various cuisines, you can as well use inhale it by putting it in your diffuser, because it works wonders when used as aromatherapy.

Also read: 5 health benefits of aromatherapy

2. Helps combat infections

Carrot seed oil is also a great antiseptic, as it also helps you to cure infections and give protection against germs. It is quite amazing as it also have the ability to prevent tetanus. Carrot seed oil also benefits the skin as it helps combat infections on the skin and open wound too. You can also ingest it to help you fight against infections of the mouth, colon, throat, intestines, stomach and urinary systems.

3. It is an emmenagogue

Carrot essential oil emmenagogue (an ointment that stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus, causing menstruation). The oil makes period cramps to be less painful for women, and it even helps to regulate periods in women.

Must read: How to maintain personal hygiene during a mesntrual period

4. Stimulates growth of new cells and tissues

As a result of its healing properties, carrot seed essential oil can be used on wounds etc. to help stimulate the growth of new cells and tissues in your body.

5. Antioxidant properties

Carrot seed essential oil is highly rich in antioxidants which makes it to have lots of anti-ageing benefits. It helps reduce hair loss and wrinkles and also repair the damaged skin tissues caused by free radicals (oxidants). It also prevents your joint from stiffening and your muscle from being weak. Some studies also proves that it helps in improving eyesight too.

These are some the health benefits of Carrot seed oil you may or might not know before now. Simply share this message that friend of yours that is yet to be aware of this health facts, hit the social share butting below to achieve that.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Donut's Updates (II)

It�s been almost a week since Donut�s surgery. She�s definitely looking better now and we are heartened to see her appetite picking up. She has also started to sit up sometimes and turns herself, instead of lying down all day. All that said, we are still uncertain if Donut would one day walk again. At the back of our minds, we are still very worried that she might join the Diaper Club.

Donut, resting at the vet

Our volunteers have been taking turns to visit Donut daily and she must be looking forward to these regular patting sessions! Poor Donut must be very bored staying in the room all day by herself that she started chewing on her e-collar (she has to wear one as she has been licking her wound and chewing on her drips). The volunteers have thought of buying toys for her but we doubt she knows what to do with them as, sadly, she never had the luxury of having them as a stray dog.

What a pretty girl - her spirit and will to live is simply amazing! 

Besides giving Donut loving pats during these visits, the volunteers will also bring along food and milk for her. We initially thought she might prefer blended food as it will be easier to chew but seems that this sweetie likes it otherwise! She prefers chunky chicken meat, chicken liver and beef, and will eat them on her own without us having to feed her.

Hiding all her food and refusing to eat

However, earlier this week, it was observed that she was eating her own poop. This is not a good sign as it meant that her body is not digesting the food well and is lacking certain nutrients. The vet has since started her on probiotics to make her stop eating her own poop. On this same note, she has been leaking liquid poo and the vet is not convinced that she�s pushing them out on her own. As such, we will not be feeding her milk for now, so that she can firm up her poo to make sure she can push it out on her own.

Missing her friends, her freedom and wondering why her life was taken away from her so suddenly. What did she do to deserve such fate? 

Our volunteers have also been diligently massaging the paw pads of her hind legs daily but we noticed that the feedback has been inconsistent. Some days she will withdraw her legs but some days she doesn�t. She does move around on her own sometimes, albeit whining a little due to the pain from the surgery. We are hopeful that she has some nerves intact and will continue with these massages to stimulate her senses.

Donut has come a long way and she has been a true fighter! She will be discharged next week but that comes our next concern � where will Donut go? We urgently need a foster or adopter who can take care of Donut as she embarks on her road to recovery. She would need to be kept in a small area as she needs to minimise her movements for 4 to 6 weeks.

Please do not hesitate to email us at if you can offer your home to this sweet lady. She will make your life as sweet as donuts!

Written by: Shi Hua

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Give Adora A Chance

In an ideal world, all puppies would grow up in loving homes, getting treats for being good and being trained on how to be a dog. But this wasn't the case for Adora. Instead, she was severely abused as a young pup. Although she had a home, her family was very cruel to her. She was starved, neglected, and beaten on a regular basis. Her family definitely did not have the time or patience to be dog owners. In fact, everybody would have been much better off if they hadn't kept her for as long as they did. Even growing up on the streets would have been better for Adora, and that's saying a lot.

Adora collapsed as soon as she realized she was safe

And when they finally had enough, Adora's owners decided to abandon her. They took her far, far away from their home, and dumped her. By that point, Adora had been reduced to skin and bones. She was so weak and ill that she could hardly walk. But Adora did not give up. Clinging on to life, and her newfound freedom, she slowly wandered the streets looking for food. Read her story here.

Adora the day she was found. Rescued and sent to the vet immediately

Eventually, Adora found her way into an HDB estate. A kind lady saw her, and was shocked at her appearance. She could count every rib and see every bone protruding from Adora's frail body. That's when the lady called HOPE Dog Rescue for help, and we got to meet Adora. We brought her to the doctor for a check up, and started her on her long journey to recovery.

Adora had been so starved that her stomach couldn't handle more than a few bites of food. For many months, her meals had to be broken up into tiny amounts and fed to her throughout the day, before she finally started putting on weight and getting stronger.

Adora as she is today. She resembles a whippet / hound.

One year later, Adora still bears the mental scars of her abuse. She doesn't know why she was beaten, or what she did to deserve it. She doesn't understand that the cruelty she faced was not her fault. She has yet to learn what happiness is, because she's never had a happy day in her life. She's angry. She has a tendency to snap and bite when you make sudden movements, probably because that was how she used to try to defend herself against her abusers. She also has food aggression. But once you get to know her and she begins to trust you, she won't bite any more. Adora just wants to have friends - human or dog, doesn't matter.

If Adora was a human child, her parents would have been fined and jailed. But she's a dog, and we don't even know who her abusers were. There's no justice for Adora. If you feel angry on her behalf, or sad that this happened to her, please consider fostering or adopting Adora.

Give her a chance. All she wants is a friend, someone that she can trust, to help her overcome her insecurities, her fears, her sadness. Help her to forget her past abuse, and to understand that she now has a new life. Simply put, Adora needs someone to teach her how to be happy and show her all the good things the world has to offer.

Adora is very small, weighing just 14kg and definitely HDB approved

We plead for someone to foster or adopt Adora and help her on this healing journey. Without you, she will remain a miserable dog for the rest of her life.

To foster, please fill up this form.

To adopt, please fill up this form.

For enquiries, please email

Written by: Elena

Monday, January 8, 2018

Donut's Updates

Donut dearie is still under observation at the hospital. The poor girl is not out of the woods yet and has been having diarrhoea on a daily basis, but she remains positive and responds well to our volunteers� visits. 

Minions attending to our sweet Donut

She always shows us an appreciative and sweet face when we visit and seems to have some senses in her hind legs as she would sometimes sit up and try to shift her body around and shows slight movement in her hind legs. There was once the vet literally pulled her leg and she immediately withdrew her leg with a pitiful expression, as if saying �hey! What are you trying to do? It hurts. Stop it please!� This gives us hope and makes us believe Donut still has some nerves intact and might be able to walk, pee and poop with control, in time to come. 

Such a sweetie pie 

Trying to stand up, but she could not

However, Donut has also shown signs of not having any senses left in her hind legs, such as leaving her legs in an awkward position and not having the urge to change it. As such, we do not know how things would pan out and whether Donut does have some senses left in her hind legs.

Donut is on a urine catheter 

Where food is concerned, we were initially rather worried as Donut�s appetite had been quite poor and she had to be syringe fed. We soon realised that the problem did not lie with Donut�s appetite but with her eating habits. As a stray, she is not accustomed to eating from a bowl and would only eat from the floor or the grass. Little wonder then that Donut would eat when we place her food on the pee pads or on the floor but not from her food bowl. She seems to like KFC chicken, home cooked chicken, beef and chicken liver and has been eating them without us having to blend them. We hope she continues to eat well.

She loves being pampered and hand fed. She hasn't learnt to eat from a bowl

Our volunteers have been taking turns to massage the paw pads on Donut�s hind legs to fire her neurons and stimulate her senses, give Donut shoulder and head massages to comfort her and to wipe her body. Hopefully our little efforts would go a long way in aiding Donut�s recovery. We have also been trying to construct a stretcher and trolley for her so that when she leaves the hospital, it would be easier for her future foster or adopter to bring her around.

She misses her friends and her freedom

Donut is slated for discharge next week. After her discharge, she would need a foster or adopter to look after her. Please do-nut hesitate and step forward to foster dear Donut now! Donut will be eternally grateful to you and make your days as sweet as donuts. Her foster would require to keep her in a small area and minimize her movements for 4 to 6 weeks. It is not known yet if she can pee / poo on her own or needs help expressing like our 3 Diaper Club dogs.

Please do not hesitate to email us to find out more her fostering requirements Thank you! We will treat you to donuts.  

Thank you for saving me <3 <3

Written by: Weiling

Friday, January 5, 2018

Donut's Out of Surgery

Have you been wondering how Donuthas been doing since our previous post about Donut? Well, nut to worry� Donut is a brave and strong girl. She has displayed an indomitable spirit and willpower to continue living and we do-nut have a doubt she will survive and live happily ever after.

We asked Pawsitive Sensations to help massage Donut�s acupoints to stimulate her poo after every method seemed to fail and poor Donut looked increasingly tired and dejected. Thank goodness it worked! We jumped with joy upon hearing that Donut pooped after her massage. She also released some gas from her tummy and started eating again. Phew!

Donut in the recovery suite after surgery

In shock and in quite a bit of pain

Donut�s poop gave us the confidence to send her for her surgery. Dear Donut just came out of the operating theatre; it was a long surgery lasting almost 4 hours. We were there to receive her as she came out of the operating theatre, conscious. She was in obvious pain as the vet had inserted steel plates to hold her fractured spine together. The vet tells us that her spine and nerves are totally severed but we believe in miracles and will continue to hope beyond hope that she will one day walk again. She may no longer have control of her bladder and bowels but we won�t know this till much later.

Her wound is extremely long and painful. What a brave girl she has been.

After the vet had left, we noticed this swollen. We never noticed previously when she had fur.

We wanted to see the xray results after her surgery but the vet said he was really tired and for us to come again in the morning. 

She will need to stay at the vet for about a week, for them to observe her recovery, after which, she will require a foster home.

We are really proud of Donut, how brave she has been and can�t wait for her to start feeling better.

If you would like to help with her vet bills or find out more about fostering requirements, please email you. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


At Hope Dog Rescue, we do-nut give up on any dog. This new year, we nearly started the year on nut a very nice note by having to make the painful decision to put down a dog we rescued on the eve of new year�s eve. Her name is Donut. (Watch her rescue here)

When we found her at the factory
In too much pain to eat or move

She sure is one sweet and hole-some doggie whom we do-nut have the heart to bid farewell to. We are glad we did nut give up on her and gave her the chance to continue experiencing the new year. When you look at her eyes, they are as sweet as donuts and so sparkly and hopeful. Just like donuts, she makes us happy. So, what happened to Donut and how is she doing now?

Saturday's emergency

Last Saturday night, what started as a mirthful eve of new year�s eve feast for the doggies ended on a tragic note as what nearly became �the last supper� for Donut. As usual, we went on our weekly rounds to feed the stray doggies in an industrial estate. When we reached Raphael�s factory, we were greeted by one less doggie and informed by one of the kind security guards there that the missing doggie was injured. The kind guard guided us towards a gory scene of the poor missing doggie lying in a pool of blood. This missing doggie was Donut. We were horrified. 

Warded since Saturday night

As fate would have it, Donut, from Raphael�s pack, suffered a similar but worse fate than Raphael and got hit by a car at 6pm in the evening, slightly before we arrived to feed the doggies there. The poor strays are always at the mercy of speeding trucks and lorries in the industrial areas. We were shattered. The poor girl must have been in excruciating pain. She cowered in a corner until we tried to leash her. Despite her injuries and her inability to walk on all fours, her natural instinct was to run away from us when we tried to catch her to bring her to the vet. It pained us to see how she wobbled in pain. After about 20 minutes of playing cat and mouse and an episode of Donut snapping from fear and distress, we finally managed to carry her into our volunteer�s car and rush her to the vet.

As sweet as Raphael 

At the vet, we muzzled Donut and used a towel to cover her head to alleviate her stress. Her body was covered in cuts, abrasions, bruises and blood. The fresh blood meant that the security guards were right in saying that the fateful accident occurred just moments prior to our arrival. The vet attempted to get Donut to stand but she could not. The poor girl must have been in too much pain. Yet, there was not once that she whimpered or protested. She is such a sweetie. At 30kg, Donut is also one solid girl. Although the workers called her Fatty, she is not exactly fat. She is just solid.

The vet cleaned Donut�s wounds and checked her injuries. The initial examination revealed a broken nail and perhaps some fractures in her legs. The vet also said Donut might have ruptured her bladder. We would need to monitor her poo and pee. The x-ray done the following morning showed that what we had initially thought was a broken front left leg was actually a dislocated spine. Poor Donut. Will she be another Matthieu, Sida or Harper? What does fate have in store for her? So many questions raced through our minds. Donut looks about 5 to 6 years old. She should still have many golden years ahead of her. Yet, this had to happen. Poor Donut.

We had initially been prepared to proceed with surgery and give Donut a chance to recover. Sadly, the vet who had done lots of research on spinal problems informed us that while he could proceed with the spinal surgery, there was a lot of poo in Donut that she could not excrete on her own due to the loss of sensation in her lower body and inability for her anal sphincter to contract. There was no guarantee that the spinal surgery could rectify this issue. What if Donut still could not poo after the surgery? She would be leading a life worse than Sida�s, Matthieu�s or Harper�s. At least the diaper club doggies can poo on their own. Imagine having to wait for someone to push your poo out for you every day. How unbearable! Our hearts really sank to the valleys when the vet broke the news to us. We could not stop crying but had to pull ourselves together and make a quick decision whether to proceed with surgery or put Donut down as it was ideal for the surgery to be performed within 48 hours. This was Hobson�s choice.

After considering the poor quality of life that Donut would have if she cannot poo voluntarily and the number of dogs that can be saved with the hefty vet bill that Donut would chalk up with the surgery that may or may not succeed, it seemed to us that the more logical decision would be to let Donut run freely on the other side of the rainbow bridge, and we nearly made that decision. We had already booked a slot for Donut�s cremation. Yet, something just did not feel right. We watched and rewatched the videos of her running away despite being in such pain and visited her at the vet. She was sprightly and alert and her eyes were brimming with hope and life. She had such a cute face and was smiling despite her ordeal. How could anyone let her go? She seemed to be saying �please do-nut give up on me! I promise to be good and stay inside the factory. I won�t go outside and get into trouble again.� Looking at her sweet face, we decided to keep her under observation and pray and hope for the best. We will focus on the Donut and not the hole.

At the moment, Donut is on painkillers and mild sedatives. She is still not emptying her bladder on her own despite having a full bladder. Her appetite is also poor. We are really worried about her. We hope she can stay strong and recover soon. Donut�s bills to date amount to about S$4,000+. If she undergoes surgery and stays at the vet for about 7 days to recover, her bills may go up to the region of more than S$10,000. Due to the long weekend, her bills would be even higher. This new year, will you help us to create a miracle? Do-nut forget that a little kindness goes a long way. Please help us to pray hard that Donut will start to pee and poo without external help soon. If it is within your means to help with Donut�s vet bills, please email us at

Thank you! Hugs and kisses from Donut.

Written by: Weiling